es"> Packaging for wine

Packaging for wine

Packaging for wine


We specialize in custom packaging solutions for the presentation and transport of bottles of all kinds, from 1 to 6 bottles mainly. We have packaging solutions for all types of bottles. Standardized or ad hoc measures. Packaging dedicated exclusively for the optimal presentation of the bottles, and the optimal transport of bottles. Wine boxes, bottle bags etc ...

If you do not want a custom manufacture and according to your needs, but only need packaging ready for express delivery, please download the next pdf of our ready-made bottle packaging.




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Fábrica y Oficinas | Factory and Offices | Usine et Bureaux

Valldeperas Packaging

Camí Sagraments, 11
Pol. Ind. Ermengol
08630 ABRERA
(Barcelona, Spain)

(+34) 932 42 61 63

Almacén | Warehouse | Magasin

Otros Manipulados | Handling and other convertings | Autres Manipulés

C/ Francesc Layret 12-14, nau 21
Pol. Ind. Ermengol
08630 ABRERA
(Barcelona, Spain)

Horario de atención telefónica: De lunes a viernes
de 8:30 a 17:30 h ininterrumpidamente

Horario de Fábrica y Almacén (cargas y descargas): De lunes a viernes
de 8 a 13:30 h / de 14:30 a 17:00 h

(+34) 932 42 61 63
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Valldeperas, Fabricante de Bolsas de papel y textiles. Fáfrica de Cajas de cartón, Papel y Cintas
( Barcelona - Catalunya - España )
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