es"> Food delivery boxes & take away

Food delivery boxes & take away

Food delivery boxes & take away

The optimal presentation of food take away and food delivery The image of a good table is not always possible, especially at times like the current one, but its former presentation yes, the ability to present your product at the height of good cuisine. Take away boxes for food delivery in restaurants, hotels etc Blisters in cardboard, room service boxes with the best presentation to delight the palate with just how your packaging arrives! Bon appetit!

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Fábrica y Oficinas | Factory and Offices | Usine et Bureaux

Valldeperas Packaging

Camí Sagraments, 11
Pol. Ind. Ermengol
08630 ABRERA
(Barcelona, Spain)

(+34) 932 42 61 63

Almacén | Warehouse | Magasin

Otros Manipulados | Handling and other convertings | Autres Manipulés

C/ Francesc Layret 12-14, nau 21
Pol. Ind. Ermengol
08630 ABRERA
(Barcelona, Spain)

Horario de atención telefónica: De lunes a viernes
de 8:30 a 17:30 h ininterrumpidamente

Horario de Fábrica y Almacén (cargas y descargas): De lunes a viernes
de 8 a 13:30 h / de 14:30 a 17:00 h

(+34) 932 42 61 63
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Valldeperas, Fabricante de Bolsas de papel y textiles. Fáfrica de Cajas de cartón, Papel y Cintas
( Barcelona - Catalunya - España )
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