Gift Boxes
Magnet Boxes
Handmade boxes
Bottle Boxes
Lined Tubes
Automated folding boxes
Oval Boxes
Box with handle
PREMIUM RANGE e-commerce boxes
B2C RANGE custom e-commerce standards boxes
Custom and colored tissue paper
Paper handle eco bags AUTOMATIC RANGE
Paper handle eco bags BASICS RANGE
Paper handle eco bags TOP RANGE
Food boxes (microchannel)
Paper bags, wide base for trays and take away
Food delivery boxes & take away
Bottles bags
Hybrid paper bags for food
Ham boxes
Beer mat
Stone Paper Bag
Sugarcane paper bags
Textile Bags | Reusable Bags
Makeup bag to measure
Dress covers
Protection covers
Foldable textile bags
Cotton mesh shopping bag
Automatic envelopes
Bubble Envelopes
Flexible Carboard Packaging
E-commerce envelopes
Hang Tags and cardboard
Textils Ribbons| Decorative Ribbons
Wrapping paper

Paper bag manufacturer and textile bags as well. Factory of cardboard boxes, wrapping paper and ribbbons


Packaging manufacturer in Barcelona 

Packaging solutions for small and big productions. Paper bags, cardboard boxes, cases, ribbons, tissue paper, wrapping paper, gift paper...

Manufacturer of bags & boxes and all kinds of packaging.

Valldeperas is specialized in developing and producing high quality packaging for the best presentation of products.
Solutions personalized according to the specific needs of every client..

We also can reach the logistic distribution of the goods, stockhouse and logistic to franchising nets in Spain. Outsourcing service. We ship everywhere.

All raw materials and processes for the manufacturing of the products from VALLDEPERAS are environmentally friendly, respect the nature and environment.

Valldeperas has a presence in the packaging market making packaging products and packing products for the any kind of retail and industry in Spain, but also in Eureope and abroad.

Besides of luxury carrier bags, Valldeperas also produces low cost paper bags, textile bags, cardboard boxes, wrapping paper, tissue paper, personalized ribbons and solutions of packings of any kind.

For more information, please, get in touch with us us clicking  CONTACT tag above, and we will get in touch with you asap. Thank you very much.

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Fábrica y Oficinas | Factory and Offices | Usine et Bureaux

Valldeperas Packaging

Camí Sagraments, 11
Pol. Ind. Ermengol
08630 ABRERA
(Barcelona, Spain)

(+34) 932 42 61 63

Almacén | Warehouse | Magasin

Otros Manipulados | Handling and other convertings | Autres Manipulés

C/ Francesc Layret 12-14, nau 21
Pol. Ind. Ermengol
08630 ABRERA
(Barcelona, Spain)

Horario de atención telefónica: De lunes a viernes
de 8:30 a 17:30 h ininterrumpidamente

Horario de Fábrica y Almacén (cargas y descargas): De lunes a viernes
de 8 a 13:30 h / de 14:30 a 17:00 h

(+34) 932 42 61 63
Contacta con nosotros

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Valldeperas, Fabricante de Bolsas de papel y textiles. Fáfrica de Cajas de cartón, Papel y Cintas
( Barcelona - Catalunya - España )
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